The Mechanism of Urban Preservation in Russia: Why Cities Do Not Approve Protection Documents

  • Snezhana Grozovskaya
Keywords: heritage, historic landscape, historic settlement, preservation mechanisms, regeneration mechanisms, historic environment, historic center


The “Historical s (HS) is one of the Russian mechanisms of the regeneration of historic cities based on the principle of preserving an integral physical landscape. However, cities with HS status rarely implement a policy of the holistic preservation of the historic physical environment. This study analyzes the general set of 142 HS in Russia and looks to see whether they take real action to protect the urban environment by approving the protective documents which allow the mechanism to function. Using regression analysis, I explore what factors influence the desire of urban actors to protect their heritage.

Only 22% of cities approved all HS protection documents. Another 8.5% approved some of them. About 70% of the HS have not taken any action. The probability of approving protection documents increases with the number of residents and protected historical buildings in the city and decreases with the number of HS in the region. The more cities in the region have HS status, the more likely it is only a formal status, and fewer cities have a protection policy. Regional capitals, cities with lower per capita budget revenues, and HS with federal status are more likely to approve documents.


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Author Biography

Snezhana Grozovskaya

Independent researcher, Architect.

How to Cite
GrozovskayaS. (2022). The Mechanism of Urban Preservation in Russia: Why Cities Do Not Approve Protection Documents. Urban Studies and Practices, 7(3), 65-79.