Город и право
логика циклического развертывания и свертывания из прошлого в будущее и из настоящего в прошлое институтов правового градорегулирования в постсоветской России
The logic of the contradictory process of legal institutions resurrection in town planning sphere in Russia is the topic of discussion in the article. After a quarter of the century the fi rst cycle of this process is concluded — unexpectedly we are at the very beginning again. Once again the task of choice appears: whether to continue and conclude developing of legal zoning oriented system, or to agree with the fi nal victory of the soviet style administrative town planning system. From the very beginning the legal process was doomed to be a fi ghting arena of two alternatives. Legal sources of this contradictory process and its particularities on different phases are discovered. Various trends of the legal situation development are discussed and consequences are presented due to one or another choice between the two alternatives in urban legislation — choice still to be done.