Ideology, Culture and Authority in Post-Luzhkov Moscow

  • Boris Grozovsky
  • Timur Bashkaev
  • Olga Vendina
  • Ilya Zalivukhin
  • Anton Kalgaev
  • Nikolay Malinin
  • Sergei Medvedev
  • Grigory Revzin
Keywords: urbanism, architecture, ecology, post-socialism, Moscow, politics, Zaryadye


What is the Zaryadye Park from a historical view? What are the meanings of this place? How does Zaryadyefit in with the ideological, political, economic, aesthetic and cultural contexts of today’s Moscow? Is it an iconic project or a typical redevelopment?

We could compare Zaryadye Park with VDNH as a project which embodies an authority. Thegrandeur of the park erases all previous transformations of the city from memory. Conversely, it is an integration project which presents a Russian identity. It is a place where citizens may find part of their personal history.

This discussion is part of twelve months of fieldwork, carried out by Michał Murawski in collaboration with students at Vysokovksy Graduate School of Urbanism. Experts debate not only the architectural and urban aspects of Zaryadye Park, but also its plural meanings in the context of Sergey Sobyanin’s Moscow.


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Author Biographies

Boris Grozovsky

economic and political columnist

Timur Bashkaev

architect, Head, Architectural Bureau of Timur Bashkaev (ABTB)

Olga Vendina

PhD in Social Geography, Leading Researcher, Institute of Geography, PAS

Ilya Zalivukhin

architect, Chief Executive Officer, “Jauzaproject”

Anton Kalgaev

culturologist, curator

Nikolay Malinin

architectural critic, curator of Archiwood

Sergei Medvedev

PhD in the History of International Relations and Foreign Policy, political scientist, journalist, professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE

Grigory Revzin

PhD in Art History, architectural historian, professor, Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, HSE, partner, Strelka KB

How to Cite
GrozovskyB., BashkaevT., VendinaO., ZalivukhinI., KalgaevA., MalininN., MedvedevS., & RevzinG. (2018). Ideology, Culture and Authority in Post-Luzhkov Moscow. Urban Studies and Practices, 2(4), 93-104.