An Anthropology of a Craft Architectural Company: How Ideas Turn into Projects

  • Alexandra A. Tretyakova Brusnika Development Company
Keywords: craft architecture, architectural company, autoethnography, uncertainty, dissonance, client interaction, digital technologies


This article explores the genesis and development of architectural projects in a small craft company based in Tyumen, Russia. Drawing on 5.5 years of experience working at the company and data collected through participant observation (October 2023–June 2024), the author analyzes the specifics of the company, its organizational structure, communication practices, and features of interaction with clients. Particular attention to the role of uncertainty and dissonance in the design process is paid. Through two case studies — a project in Bashkortostan and a project in Western Siberia — the author shows how implicit client ideas, the “fluidity” of requirements, and the informal “rules of the game” shape the project development trajectory and influence the final result. The article also considers the impact of digital technologies on architectural practices and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the craft approach. The author concludes that “craft” in architecture should not mean chaos and uncertainty. Implementing clearer organizational structures and communication processes will allow craft companies to maintain their strengths (creative approach, individuality) while enhancing their efficiency and professionalism.


Author Biography

Alexandra A. Tretyakova, Brusnika Development Company

Lead Architect, Brusnika Development Company

How to Cite
TretyakovaA. A. (2024). An Anthropology of a Craft Architectural Company: How Ideas Turn into Projects. Urban Studies and Practices, 9(4), 22-39.