Multiple Urban Studies and Its Languages Of Description

  • Igor N. Stas Tyumen State University (UTMN)
Keywords: disciplines, interdisciplinarity, applied research, social sciences, urban studies, urbanism


The paper proposes a concept of multiple urbanism, which implies not just a disciplinary structure of urban studies but their distinct perception by scholars through disciplinary identity, which in some cases develops into an aspiration to form a separate independent discipline from urban studies. In Russian context, the disciplinary plurality of urban studies is significantly complicated by the binary opposition between scientism and pragmatism: academic fundamental and applied research. Urban studies is simultaneously divided into academic and applied domains, while both of these domains consist of disciplinary specializations. Multiple urbanism means: 1) considering the context when articulating social science terms used in urban studies; 2) developing new consolidating theories that explain urbanisms as different states of the “urban”; and 3) institutionalizing urban studies and establishing dialogue between social sciences studying the city and urbanization.


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Author Biography

Igor N. Stas, Tyumen State University (UTMN)

Candidate of History, Senior Researcher of the Center for the Urban Studies, Tyumen State University (UTMN)

How to Cite
StasI. N. (2024). Multiple Urban Studies and Its Languages Of Description. Urban Studies and Practices, 9(4), 6-21.