International Practice of Tendering City Buses via Unified Transportation Organizers

  • Stanislav A. Razumovsky HSE University
Keywords: public transport, city bus, competitive bidding, transportation organizer, contracts


This article analyzes the activities of transport organizers in competitive bidding for the right to service urban bus routes. The study specifically focuses on mechanisms that can enhance the quality and efficiency of transport services through a competitive selection system, with a special emphasis on the experience in London. Based on data including official reports on competitive tendering, academic publications, and media coverage, this paper provides a comprehensive examination of current tendering practices, their effectiveness, and their impact on the cost and quality of transport services. It considers the potential benefits and risks for all parties involved, highlighting the impact on the social and urban aspects of community life. The study presents significant findings and recommendations for urban planning and public transport management specialists, outlining ways to optimize existing mechanisms and incorporate innovative approaches to organizing urban transport systems, drawing on foreign experiences.

The theme of this paper is of particular interest given the ongoing discussion on urban transport modernization and the search for optimal solutions for its development. By analyzing successful foreign practices, the paper introduces new possibilities for implementing projects to enhance the quality of public transport in Russia, offering ideas and solutions that can be adapted to local conditions and the needs of different urban populations. For instance, studying the experience of competitive bidding may help establish more transparent and fair conditions for selecting carriers, which could positively affect the overall level of passenger satisfaction and the efficient use of public funds.


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Author Biography

Stanislav A. Razumovsky, HSE University

Postgraduate student, Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development (FURD), HSE University

How to Cite
RazumovskyS. A. (2024). International Practice of Tendering City Buses via Unified Transportation Organizers. Urban Studies and Practices, 9(1), 80-91.