Ivanovo Regional Branding as a Problem and a Process

  • Felix I. Kagan Ivanovo State Polytechnic University
Keywords: Ivanovo region, region branding, brand platform, Anholt hexagon


This article outlines a possible approach to the rebranding of the Ivanovo region in the complex post-Soviet crisis. In the 1990s, the region found itself in a very difficult situation, burdened by acute socio-economic and demographic problems that arose during Perestroika and the post-Perestroika period during a systemic crisis in the country’s textile industry. The severity of the crisis was compounded by the single-industry nature of the region, which had held a leading position in the textile industry nationwide for almost four centuries. The situation began to improve only recently, so the problem of rebranding the region has become urgent.

When building the brand platform of the Ivanovo region, the author relies on the “Anholt brand hexagon”, which combines indicators for six areas: (1) the image/ brand archive, (2) the historical and cultural heritage, (3) business, investment and migration, (4) inbound and domestic tourism, (5) human capital, (6) domestic and foreign policy. While carrying out the content of this scheme the author takes into account the socio-economic and historical-cultural specifics of the Ivanovo region. He conducts a detailed analysis of the history of the images and positioning of this region from the 17th to 20th centuries, which gives historical depth to the analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of the region. Possible ways of developing its tourism sector are outlined.


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Author Biography

Felix I. Kagan, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University

PhD in Physics and Mathematics; Head of the Complex of Museum, Exhibition and Rsource Centers of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University; Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Services of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University; Associate Professor; Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation; 21 Sheremetievsky prospect, Ivanovo, 153000, Russian Federation, tel.: +7 903 879 69 40 E-mail: fik35@mail.ru

How to Cite
KaganF. I. (2021). Ivanovo Regional Branding as a Problem and a Process. Urban Studies and Practices, 6(1), 6-22. https://doi.org/10.17323/usp6120216-22