Thematic issues creation

We accept collective applications for the formation of thematic issues or blocks.

You can send applications to us throughout the year. All presented concepts are considered by the editorial board of the journal for no more than a month. Third-party experts can also be involved in the discussion.

The collective proposal should include the concept of a subject number or block and extended annotations of the planned articles in .doc format. For a thematic issue, 6-8 articles with a volume of about 35 thousand characters are assumed, for a separate thematic block in the issue - these are 4 articles of the same volume.


The concept is a text of 300 to 500 words, which reveals: the problem, the relevance of the topic, the main idea of ​​the planned issue or block. And also a list of main sub-topics is indicated, the tasks that this issue or block solves on a global scale are clarified, raising a similar topic.
In the appendix to the concept, on a separate page, please indicate the full name and affiliation of the co-editor (s) of the planned issue or block, the list of authors, including the full name, affiliation and title of the articles of each of them.

Extended article annotations

The abstract should include the title of the article, the names of the authors, their affiliation and contact information, a text of 300 to 500 words, in which the problem is posed, the goals, objectives, methods and main conclusions of the research are indicated. Each annotation should be located in a separate file.

All materials in the form of an archive or a link to a virtual disk are submitted by co-editor (s) to the editorial office's email address: Please indicate in the subject line: “Application for a thematic issue”.

If you doubt that your idea corresponds to the ideology of the journal, then you can first send us only the concept of the issue without a full set of annotations, and we will consider it. Send your suggestions and questions to the editorial office: