Formatting requirements for papers

Materials to be published: articles and reviews

Dear authors, using the experience of previous issues, we have compiled instructions for formatting the article before sending it to our editorial office. Please be understanding, as this will significantly facilitate our interaction with you.

The journal considers submissions of articles and reviews in both Russian and English. The maximum article length is 60,000 characters including spaces, including footnotes, keywords, references, and author info. Reviews can be up to 20,000 characters in length, including spaces.
Submitted papers should be original and not previously published in other media. Papers must be topical, have academic novelty, and be in line with the formatting rules listed below. Papers that are not properly formatted will be sent to the author for revision.
The editorial office reserves the right to reject papers that do not adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines.


Paper structure

  1. Texts must have titles in Russian and English.
  2. Texts must have abstracts in Russian and English. The abstract must be about 250-300 words (no longer). The abstract should describe the problem and the research question, methodology of data collection, and short results.
  3. Papers should include 5-7 keywords or word combinations (in Russian and English).
  4. Introduction:
    • Problem statement, based on a short literature review on the topic of research
    • Research problem, aim and objectives of the paper
    • Topicality and novelty of the research
    • Short description of the data used in the paper
    • Optional: hypotheses
    • Description of the paper structure
  5. Main part:
    • Literature review, leading to the statement of hypothesis, research questions, and conceptual model
    • Methodology and data description
    • Results and discussion
  6. Conclusion:
    • Main conclusions
    • Optional: practical recommendations, potential areas and issues for future research
  7. For texts in Russian, an additional transliterated list of references in the Latin alphabet is required. Also list of references for Russian and English texts differ due to different punctuation system. That’s why English texts also must have two lists of references.

Example for list of references in Russian (the list is sorted in alphabetical order, first there are names in Russian):

Археология периферии (2013) Сборник статей. М.: Strelka Institute.
Высоковский А.А. (2015) Теория пространственного развития: курс лекций // Высоковский А.А.: в 3 т. Т. 3. Public. М.: Grey Matter. С. 126–315.
Гутнов А.Э. (1984) Эволюция градостроительства. М.: Стройиздат.
Марфенина О.Е., Фомичева Г.М. (2007) Потенциально патогенные мицелиальные грибы в среде обитания человека. Современные тенденции // Микология сегодня / Ю.Т. Дьяков, Ю.В. Сергеев (ред.). Т. 1. М.: Национальная академия микологии. С. 235–266.
Amin A., Massey D., Thrift N. (2003) Decentering the National: a Radical Approach to Regional Inequality. London: Catalyst.
Healey P. (2010) Introduction: the Transnational Flow of Knowledge and Expertise in the Planning Field // Crossing Borders: International Exchange and Planning Practices / P. Healey, R. Upton (eds.). London: Routledge. P. 1–25.

Example for list of references in Russian (the list is sorted in alphabetical order):

Gillis J. (ed.) (1994) Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Harvey D. (2006) Space as a keyword. David Harvey: a critical reader / N. Castree, D. Gregory (eds.). Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 270–94.
Nora P. (1997) Realms of Memory. New York: Columbia University Press.
Zhelnina A., Zinovyev A., Kuleva M. (2013) “Na rayone”: Molodezhniye solidarnosti na gorodskoy periferii [In the ‘hood: Youth solidarities in the urban periphery]. Sociologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], no 10, pp. 69–76. (in Russian)

  1. Information on the authors. Information should be provided in both Russian and English:
    • Full name, middle name, and last name of all authors.
    • Full name of the organization that employs each author.
    • Position, academic title, academic degree of each author.
    • Address for correspondence
    • Email address and phone number of each author.


Structure of a review

  1. Texts must have titles in both Russian and English.
  2. Bibliographical description of the reviewed book

А. ВЫСОКОВСКИЙ в 3 томах.
Т1. Theory / Александр Аркадьевич Высоковский. — М.: Grey Matter, 2015. — 432 pgs.
Т2. Practice / Александр Аркадьевич Высоковский. — М.: Grey Matter, 2015. — 400 pgs.
Т3. Public / Александр Аркадьевич Высоковский. — М.: Grey Matter, 2015. — 352 pgs.

  1. Text of the review
  2. For texts in Russian, an additional transliterated list of references in the Latin alphabet is required. Also list of references for Russian and English texts differ due to different punctuation system. That’s why English texts also must have two lists of references.
  3. Information on the authors. Information should be provided in both Russian and English:
    • Full name, middle name, and last name of all authors.
    • Full name of the organization that employs each author.
    • Position, academic title, academic degree of each author.
    • Address for correspondence
    • Email address and phone number of each author.


Paper processing procedure

Papers submitted to the editorial office are evaluated according to the journal requirements and format. If the paper is assessed positively, it is anonymized and sent by the editorial office to two peer-reviewers. Both reviewers complete a paper evaluation form and make a decision on whether they recommend the text for publication. The reviewers may recommend accepting the text for publication (without revision, with minor revision, or with serious revision), or rejecting it. If the text is generally recommended, the author revises it according to the reviewers’ notes, and sends it to the editor. The editor provides comments to the author, and the author takes them into account and creates the final version. In preparation for publication, formatted papers are sent to authors via email for approval. The author signs a contract assigning the intellectual property rights to the publisher.



Font: Times New Roman. Spacing: 1.5. Size: 12-point for the main text, 10-point for footnotes.

Footnotes and references:

  • Footnotes must be numbered consecutively, on each page.
  • Footnotes must be formatted in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) style.
  • Do not use numeration in the source reference in the text.
  • Indicate the author’s last name, without initials, and the year of publication in square brackets.
  • The list of references should be formatted as a bibliographical list out of the text in alphabetic order, starting with the sources in Russian.
  • For texts in Russian, an additional transliterated list of references in the Latin alphabet is required.
  • The name of an article in a journal is divided from the name of the journal with a double slash (//). If the source is an article in a collection of papers, first write the name of the article, then, after a double slash (//), the name of the collection, and then, after a single slash (/) the name of the author or the list of the book editors.

Visual aids:

  • All figures should be supplied in the highest quality (a single .zip or .rar archive) and colour, if necessary.
  • Visual aids such as maps, graphs, tables are accepted in black and white if the material can be read without colour (shading is acceptable); otherwise these aids should be in colour. Formulas should be formatted in Mathtype and be able to open in MS Office.
  • Each illustration must be accompanied by a title, information about the author, data about the copyright holder( copyrights), and links to the source of the borrowed image. In the case of maps and graphs, the data source and/or a link to it is specified.
  • Borrowed images should not be protected by copyright, which does not imply their free use, so please pay attention to the selected illustrations.
  • Some images may be published in a printed publication only with the written consent of the copyright holder. The consent is requested by the author of the article and provided to the editorial board of the journal together with the article.