African American Ghettos:

Characterization and Typology

  • Ivan Alov
Keywords: ghetto, socioeconomic differentiation, African Americans, revitalization, segregation, urban space, cities of the US


This paper studies the phenomenon of African American ghettos in the US. A number of approaches to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. The key factors for the appearance and disappearance of African American ghettos are considered. Based on statistical and historical data, 1,060 African American ghettos are identified. An original typology of these is proposed, which makes it possible to detect the disparity of the phenomenon in different regions of the country. The identified types are compared with the help of basic statistical indicators. The results show that the phenomenon of the African American ghetto is complex, spatially, socially and historically conditioned, with certain characteristic features that differ significantly within the US.


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Author Biography

Ivan Alov

master student, Department of Social-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University; 1 Leninskiye Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation; tel.+7 (915) 405-76-42

How to Cite
AlovI. (2019). African American Ghettos:. Urban Studies and Practices, 3(1), 63-77.