On the Heuristic Nature of Evolutionary Urban Development Models

  • Maksimilian Gostev
Keywords: urban models, urban systems, urban dynamics, heuristic models, urban evolution


This article focuses on a comparative analysis of four dynamic structural-functional urban models: carcass-fabric, territorial- communicatory, irregularly-zoned, and cellular-fractal. It is demonstrated that these models fit the framework of Gutnov’s general evolutionary urban development theory. It is shown that these models are heuristic in nature.


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Author Biography

Maksimilian Gostev

Geography and Cartography Department Assistant of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Specialist in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Kazan Federal University), Master in Urban Planning (Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, HSE); 6/20 Kremlevskaya Street, Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation.

How to Cite
GostevM. (2019). On the Heuristic Nature of Evolutionary Urban Development Models. Urban Studies and Practices, 3(1), 7-22. https://doi.org/10.17323/usp3120187-22