Basic Tendencies in Housing Economics of Russian Cities

  • Nadezhda Kosareva
  • Alexander Puzanov
  • Tatiana Polidi
Keywords: housing, housing policy, housing fund, prices, competition, taxation, regulation, housing affordability, construction


Urban environment quality and quality of living patterns are the key factors for Russian cities’ competitiveness increase. They both are to a large extent driven by the housing economy characteristics. The article provides analysis of basic trends in housing economy of Russian cities including:

  • housing consumption;
  • structure of housing and ownership rights;
  • housing price dynamics and the level of housing affordability;
  • condition of housing stock and utility infrastructure, investment in renovation of the housing stock;
  • state of competition at hosing market and supply elasticity to demand for differentiated and good quality urban environment;
  • state regulation of the housing economy — support for demand and supply, taxation policies.


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Author Biographies

Nadezhda Kosareva

PhD (Economics), President of The Institute for Urban Economics, Research Supervisor and Professor in Graduate School of Urbanism NRU HSE

Alexander Puzanov

PhD (Geography), General Director of The Institute for Urban Economics, Professor in Graduate School of Urbanism NRU HSE

Tatiana Polidi

Executive Director, Head of the Real Estate Market Department, The Institute for Urban Economics

How to Cite
KosarevaN., PuzanovA., & PolidiT. (2015). Basic Tendencies in Housing Economics of Russian Cities. Urban Studies and Practices, 34-55.