Sonic Practices and the Materiality of Urban Space

  • Andrey Logutov
Keywords: sound studies, anthropology, urban sound, private, public


This paper considers the urban sonic environment in terms of the distinction between the private and the public spheres. Based on ideas put forth by MacLuhan, Shaeffer, Mowitt and others, we suggest rethinking urban auditory practices as media interfaces operating at the borderline between the private and the public. The materiality of such interfaces contributes to the complexity of their theoretical description and mapping. According to one of the hypotheses advanced in the paper, some such issues may be resolved more efficiently if approached from an aural rather than a visual perspective. The point is exemplified by two practices of urban listening.


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Author Biography

Andrey Logutov

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Discourse Studies, School of Philology, Moscow State University, head of Sound Anthropology Seminar ( soundstudiesmoscow); 1 Leninskiye Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.

How to Cite
LogutovA. (2018). Sonic Practices and the Materiality of Urban Space. Urban Studies and Practices, 2(4), 39-50.