City Destruction by Development

Formulating the Unknown Problem — Analytical, Legal, Practical

  • Edouard Trutnev
Keywords: the city, annihilation, development, redevelopment, project modelling, town planning legislation


The definition of the phrase “annihilation of the city by development” is offered for discussion. The measures preventing such annihilation are considered as a “minimal system of development regulation”. Two different approaches to regulation are compared and their consequences for urban environment are presented. The list of legal norms in the Russian legislation which potentially lead to annihilation of the city by development is compiled.


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Author Biography

Edouard Trutnev

candidate in Architecture, Research Supervisor of Realty Market research sector of Urban Economics Institute Foundation, professor of Graduate School of Urbanism NRU HSE

How to Cite
TrutnevE. (2016). City Destruction by Development. Urban Studies and Practices, 1(2), 49-68.