Labor and the City, Or How Do Individuals Benefit from Working in Urban Areas?

  • Uliana A. Koriugina HSE University
Keywords: urban wage premium, urban labor market, agglomeration economies, wage growth and level effects, human capital


A large body of work is dedicated to the study of wage differentials in different labor market extents. Identical workers in large labor markets have higher wages than those of smaller ones and non-urbanized areas — what is called "urban wage premium". This paper examines the existing literature about this phenomenon. Author presents the main findings in the research field, describing how earlier studies of regional wage disparities and further development of agglomeration economies theory contribute to measuring and eplaining the urban wage premium. Sources of urban premia are traditionally found in the micro-foundations of agglomeration economies. Lastly, author provides with current discussion, which examines labor market discrimination in the context of urban premium and the latest studies of urban wage premium in developing countries.


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Author Biography

Uliana A. Koriugina, HSE University

Analyst, Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development (FURD), HSE University

How to Cite
KoriuginaU. A. (2023). Labor and the City, Or How Do Individuals Benefit from Working in Urban Areas?. Urban Studies and Practices, 8(4), 85-91.