Planning is Dead, Long Live Planning!

  • Alexander Antonov ISOCARP
Keywords: urban planning, general plan, municipality


This interview is devoted to the changes that have taken place in the field of planning in Russia over the past decades, and in the structure of this sphere. The historical features of urban planning in Russia and the dominance of economic motives over spatial ones are discussed. The legislative side of planning is highlighted, in particular, the features of the design and operation of general plans and their possible alternatives. In conclusion, it is shown that the realization of the general plan and the preservation of strategic goals in the changes made to it require the involvement of a “third force” besides the planners and the customer: citizens and public structures.


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Author Biography

Alexander Antonov, ISOCARP

ISOCARP, independent expert in Urban Planning.

How to Cite
AntonovA. (2022). Planning is Dead, Long Live Planning!. Urban Studies and Practices, 7(3), 81-90.