The Demographic and Socio-Economic Development of Agglomeration in Azerbaijan

  • Badalov Etibar Sanan oglu Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Keywords: suburbanization, agglomeration, satellite city, suburb, demographic process


This article analyzes the historical development and formation of suburbanization and its impact on the urban settlements of Azerbaijan. The population growth, demographic processes and the problems of socio-economic development in urban agglomerations are analyzed. In the post-Soviet period, there was an increase in agglomerations at the expense of rural settlements that received the status of an urban settlement. Functional changes are taking place in the periphery of the Baku and Ganja agglomerations, where new industrial parks, zones for research organizations and high-tech enterprises, agricultural parks and concentrations of service facilities are being formed. The author reveals the transformations of the territorial organization of large urban agglomerations.

An analysis of the impact of urbanization on demographic processes, including changes in the migration and natural growth of the population, the gender, age structure and marital and family composition of the population is carried out. 72.5% of the total urban population of the republic is concentrated in agglomerations, and the number is growing rapidly. The main component is natural growth (more than 70%), while migration provides a little more than 10% of the increase. In recent years, there has been a steady decline in the birth rates and natural growth, marriage rates are decreasing, and the number of divorces is increasing.


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Author Biography

Badalov Etibar Sanan oglu, Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

PhD in Geographу, Associate Professor, Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; 115 Huseyn Javid Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan

How to Cite
Etibar Sanan ogluB. (2021). The Demographic and Socio-Economic Development of Agglomeration in Azerbaijan. Urban Studies and Practices, 5(4), 103-111.