Ethnic and Migrant Enclave? A Case-Study of Residents’ Ethnic and Migration Origins in Kotelniki, a Moscow Satellite City

* Статья содержит упоминание запрещенных в Российской Федерации социальных сетей. Номер был подготовлен до решения суда о запрете деятельности указанных социальных сетей. Упоминание осуществляется исключительно в научных целях и не нацелено на одобрение экстремисткой деятельности

  • Albina S. Andreeva Researcher of the Group for Ethnicity and Migration Research
  • Natalia S. Ivanova Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA
  • Evgeni A. Varshaver Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA
Keywords: urban anthropology, area and neighborhood studies, ethnic and migrant enclave, migrantʼ residential concentration


This article gives an account of residential patterns in the Moscow satellite city of Kotelniki, with a particular focus on the residential concentration of migrants and possible ethnic enclavization. The article draws on sociological research conducted using in-depth and expert interviews, observations, and document analysis. It examines the history of Kotelnikiʼs urban development, the migration waves which formed its current population, the residential preferences and patterns of “migrants” and “locals”, and the factors of the residential concentration of migrants including its proximity to Sadovod market and low-priced housing in newly built apartment blocks. In conclusion authors assert the need to better conceptualize the term “enclave” in empirical studies and identify areas for further research regarding places with a concentration of migrant residents and, more broadly, migrant residential patterns in Moscow and Russia.


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Author Biographies

Albina S. Andreeva, Researcher of the Group for Ethnicity and Migration Research

MA in International Relations, Researcher of the Group for Ethnicity and Migration Research; office 2105, 84 bldg. 3 Prospect Vernadskogo, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Natalia S. Ivanova, Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA

MA in Sociology, Researcher of the Group for Ethnicity and Migration Research, Research Fellow of the Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA; office 2105, 84 bldg. 3 Prospect Vernadskogo, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Evgeni A. Varshaver, Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA

PhD in Sociology, Head of the Group for Ethnicity and Migration Research, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for Regional Research and Urban Studies at RANEPA; office 2105, 84 bldg. 3 Prospect Vernadskogo, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation

How to Cite
AndreevaA. S., IvanovaN. S., & VarshaverE. A. (2021). Ethnic and Migrant Enclave? A Case-Study of Residents’ Ethnic and Migration Origins in Kotelniki, a Moscow Satellite City. Urban Studies and Practices, 5(4), 54-72.