The Cutting-Edge: a Review of Recent Academic Papers on Urban Sound Studies

  • Nikita Kosolapov
Keywords: sound studies, urban studies, interdisciplinary research, academic journals


This article describes a number of research papers in the field of urban sound studies 2015–2018. The interdisciplinary journal Sound Studies was taken as a point of departure, however, papers from several other journals are also discussed. The manner of posing questions and research approaches are the main focus of the paper.


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Author Biography

Nikita Kosolapov

Master’s student, Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, HSE; 13 bldg. 4 Myasnitskaya Street, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.

How to Cite
KosolapovN. (2018). The Cutting-Edge: a Review of Recent Academic Papers on Urban Sound Studies. Urban Studies and Practices, 2(4), 59-68.