Искореняя несправедливость в городе

История адвокативного планирования

  • Павел Иванович Акимов


In 1960s advocate planners, as the main ideologist of this movement Paul Davidoff has put it, gave professional support to minority citizens — moderate- and low-income families and inhabitants of ethnic neighborhoods. Next decades the establishment of advocacy planning positions was made within city government agencies. It was called “equity planning”. Today advocacy planning has two dimensions. It’s an approach that can be used in any planning activity — within cabinets of power or in the work with communities. On the other side it’s an ideology that advocates for more just and equal basis of city life and supports poor and disenfranchised.


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Биография автора

Павел Иванович Акимов

специалист (направление «Философия», ОмГУ), руководитель проектов Проектно-учебной лаборатории урбанистики Высшей школы урбанистики им. А. А. Высоковского НИУ ВШЭ

Как цитировать
АкимовП. И. (2015). Искореняя несправедливость в городе. Городские исследования и практики, 94-103. https://doi.org/10.17323/usp00201594-103