Особенности звуковой среды Арбатского района г. Москвы

  • Маргарита Андреевна Чубукова


This paper presents a variety of approaches to soundscape analysis. Also it aims to introduce a methodology of acoustic environment description. The soundscape of a central Moscow district was investigated and characterised by seven binary oppositions:

  1. Character of a sound presence (dominant / secondary); 
  2. Character of a sound (linguistic / non-linguistic);
  3. Source of a sound (technical / natural);
  4. “Dynamics” of a sound (dynamic / static);
  5. “Subjectness” of a sound (anthropogenic / non-anthropogenic)
  6. Role of a sound in a city scenography (event / background);
  7. “Friendliness” of a sound (friendly / unfriendly).

This evaluation identifi ed main sonic peculiarities and opened new research perspectives.


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Биография автора

Маргарита Андреевна Чубукова

магистр градостроительства, Высшая школа урбанистики им. А. А. Высоковского НИУ ВШЭ

Как цитировать
ЧубуковаМ. А. (2015). Особенности звуковой среды Арбатского района г. Москвы. Городские исследования и практики, 68-79. https://doi.org/10.17323/usp00201568-79

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