Creativity. Love. Probability of Success

  • Владимир Моисеевич Кошкин


The author argues that, similar to the individual success in love, the writer’s or artist’s success with the public can be a stimulus for creative work. He demonstrates with figures in hand that creative work (like poetry) is a kind of self-portrait, a sincere expression of the poet’s psychology, and that the reader perceives it accordingly. He also offers a “formula of success” based on the idea of a compromise between the partners’ overlapping areas of interests and their different preferred patterns of meaning. This relates to a scientist or artist, on the one side, and society, on the other: they are involved in social games with each other similar to love games played by individuals. In these terms, creative work and love can be described identically.


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How to Cite
КошкинВ. М. (2011). Creativity. Love. Probability of Success. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 4(1), 120-141.
Information and Creativity