The Outlines of an Ontological Conception of Perception
The paper presents the basic outlines of ontological approach to perception analysis. The concept «event» which expresses the «implantment» of psychic phenomena in the processes of existence is in the focus of attention. The peculiarity of ontological approach consists in the perception which is seen as not just an image of reality in its relation to the reality itself (within the ontological framework) but as an image of reality in the unity of external and internal conditions of its existence. The perception turns out to be a form both of manifestation and generation of existence and the possibility of objective research, formation and correction of perceptive process is coming to light.Downloads
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How to Cite
БарабанщиковВ. А. (2011). The Outlines of an Ontological Conception of Perception. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 4(3), 4-26.
Theory and Philosophy of Psychology