The Role of Anxiety in Effectiveness of Adolescents Behavior in Group Discussion

  • Раиса Николаевна Нечаева
  • Анна Александровна Скатова
Keywords: anxiety, group discussion, effectiveness in group discussion, leadership in small groups


The article examines the question about correlation between general anxiety of an adolescent and effectiveness of his behavior in unstructured group discussion. Anxiety as a personality trait significantly influences adolescent's behavior in different situations (competitions, interpersonal conflicts, decision making, etc.) including joint activity where group result is of the most significance. The results of the study prove that schoolchildren with the high level of anxiety are successful in group discussion but leader's position is occupied by adolescents with low level of anxiety in comparison with other members of the group.


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How to Cite
НечаеваР. Н., & СкатоваА. А. (2011). The Role of Anxiety in Effectiveness of Adolescents Behavior in Group Discussion. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 7(1), 122-129.
Work in Progress