Эмпирическое исследование мультиканальной коммуникации: русские рассказы и разговоры о грушах
Ключевые слова:
мультимодальность, мультиканальный дискурс, создание корпусов, просодия, жесты, движение взора, аннотация
Статья описывает язык в его наиболее естественной форме – в форме разговорного мультиканального дискурса. Он включает в себя вербальный компонент, просодию, движения взора, а также различные кинетические аспекты коммуникации – мимику, жесты головы, рук и туловища. Для изучения естественного многоканального дискурса как он есть мы создали ресурс «Русские рассказы и разговоры о грушах». Ресурс включает 40 записей, проведенных с 160 носителями русского языка в возрасте 18–36 лет, среди которых было 60 мужчин и 100 женщин; он состоит из 15 часов записи и около 170 000 слов. В статье описываются методология создания корпуса и возможности его использования. Во-первых, мы предлагаем обзор методологии мультимодальности и мультиканальных корпусов. Затем мы описываем характеристики нашего ресурса – методику сбора данных, используемое оборудование, типы аннотаций, а также некоторые пути (будущих) исследований, в том числе: просодия в качестве интерфейса между вокальным и жестовым каналами, особенности и степень координации между мануальными жестами и элементарными дискурсивными единицами, индивидуальное варьирование и «портретная» методология, порождение и понимание речи в естественной коммуникации, а также зрительное внимание в естественной коммуникации. Текущая версия корпуса доступна для научного сообщества на веб-сайте проекта multidiscourse.ru (на русском языке).Скачивания
Данные скачивания пока не доступны.
1. Adolphs, S., & Carter, R. (2013). Spoken corpus linguistics: From monomodal to multimodal. New York: Routledge.
2. Aist, G., Campana, E., Allen, J., Swift, M., & Tanenhaus, M. K. (2012). Fruit carts: A domain and corpus for research in dialogue systems and psycholinguistics. Computational Linguistics, 38(3), 469-478.
3. Bressem, J. (2013). A linguistic perspective on the notation of form features in gestures. In C. Müller et al. (Eds.), Body-Language-Communication: An international handbook on multimodality in human interaction (Vol. 1, p. 1079-1098). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
4. Brône, G., & Oben, B. (2015). InSight Interaction: a multimodal and multifocal dialogue corpus. Language Resources and Evaluation, 49(1), 195-214.
5. Campbell, N. (2009). Tools and resources for visualising conversational-speech Interaction. In M. Kipp et al. (Eds.), Multimodal corpora: From models of natural interaction to systems and applications (pp. 176-188). Heidelberg: Springer.
6. Carletta, J. (2006). Announcing the AMI meeting corpus. The ELRA Newsletter, 11(1), 3-5.
7. Chafe, W. (Ed.). (1980). The pear stories: Cognitive, cultural, and linguistic aspects of narrative production. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
8. Church, R. B., Alibali, M. W., & Kelly, S. D. (Eds.). (2017). Why gesture? How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
9. Cosnier, J., & Brossard, A. (1984). La communication non verbale [Non-verbal communication]. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé. (in French)
10. Ekman, F., & Friesen, W. V. (1969). The repertoire of nonverbal behavior: Categories, origins, usage, and coding. Semiotica, 1(1), 49-98.
11. Fedorova, O. V. (2017). Raspredelenie zritel’nogo vnimaniya sobesednikov v estestvennoi kommunikatsii: 50 let spustya [Distribution of the interlocutors’ visual attention in natural communication: 50 years later]. In E. V.Pechenkova & M. V. Falikman (Eds.), Kognitivnaya nauka v Moskve: novye issledovaniya. Materialy konferentsii[Cognitive science in Moscow: new research. Proceedings of the conference] (pp. 370-375). Moscow: BukiVedi/IPPiP. (in Russian)
12. Fedorova, O. V., Kibrik, A. A., Korotaev, N. A., Litvinenko, A. O., & Nikolaeva, Yu. V. (2016). Temporal coordination between gestural and speech units in multimodal communication [Vremennaya koordinatsiya mezhdu zhestovymi i rechevymi edinitsami v mul’timodal’noy kommunikatsii]. In Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Dialog 2016” [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: Proceedings of the International conference “Dialogue 2016”] (pp. 159-170). Moscow: RGGU. (in Russian)
13. Foster, M. E., & Oberlander, J. (2007). Corpus-based generation of head and eyebrow motion for an embodied conversational agent. Language Resources and Evaluation, 41(3/4), 305-323.
14. Goldin-Meadow, S. (2014). Widening the lens: What the manual modality reveals about language, learning, and cognition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 369(1651), 20130295.
15. Karpiński, M., Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, E., & Malisz, Z. (2009). Aspects of gestural and prosodic structure of multimodal utterances in Polish task-oriented dialogues. Speech and Language Technology, 11, 113-122.
16. Kendon, A. (1967). Some functions of gaze direction in social interaction. Acta Psychologica, 26, 22-63.
17. Kibrik, A. A. (2010). Mul’timodal’naya lingvistika [Multimodal linguistics]. In Yu. I. Aleksandrov & V. D. Solov’ev (Eds.), Kognitivnye issledovaniya[Cognitive studies] (Iss. IV, pp. 134-152). Moscow: Institute of Psychology of RAS. (in Russian)
18. Kibrik, A. A. (2018). Russkii mul’tikanal’nyi diskurs. Chast’ 1. Postanovka problemy [Russian multichannel discourse. Part I. Setting up the problem]. Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, 39(1), 70-80. (in Russian)
19. Kibrik, A. A., & Fedorova, O. V. (2018). A “Portrait” approach to multichannel discourse. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan).
20. Kibrik, A. A., & Podlesskaya, V. I. (Eds.). (2009). Rasskazy o snovideniyakh: Korpusnoe issledovanie ustnogo russkogo diskursa[Night dream stories: A corpus study of spoken Russian discourse]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur. (in Russian)
21. Knight, D. (2011). Multimodality and active listenership: A corpus approach. London: Bloomsbury.
22. Kodzasov, S. V. (2009). Issledovaniya v oblasti psikhologii [Studies in the field of Russian prosody]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur. (in Russian)
23. Kress, G. (2002). The multimodal landscape of communication. MedienJournal, 4, 4-19.
24. Litvinenko, A. O., Nikolaeva, Yu. V., & Kibrik, A. A. (2017). Annotirovanie russkikh manual’nykh zhestov: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy [Annotation of Russian manual gestures: Theoretical and practical issues]. In Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Dialog 2017” [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: Proceedings of the International conference “Dialogue 2017”] (pp. 255-268). Moscow: RGGU. (in Russian)
25. Loehr, D. (2012). Temporal, structural, and pragmatic synchrony between intonation and gesture. Laboratory Phonology, 3(1), 71-89.
26. McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
27. McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
28. Mondada, L. (2014). Bodies in action. Language and Dialogue, 4(3), 357-403.
29. Mondada, L. (2016). Challenges of multimodality: Language and the body in social interaction. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20, 336-366.
30. Mü ller, C., Fricke, E., Cienki, A., & McNeill, D. (Eds.). (2014). Body-Language-Communication: An international handbook on multimodality in human interaction. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
31. Taylor, M. (1989). The structure of multimodal dialogue. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
32. Železný, M., Krňoul, Z., CRsař, P., & Matoušek, J.(2006). Design, implementation and evaluation of the Czech realistic audio-visual speech synthesis. Signal Processing, 83(12), 3657-3673.
2. Aist, G., Campana, E., Allen, J., Swift, M., & Tanenhaus, M. K. (2012). Fruit carts: A domain and corpus for research in dialogue systems and psycholinguistics. Computational Linguistics, 38(3), 469-478.
3. Bressem, J. (2013). A linguistic perspective on the notation of form features in gestures. In C. Müller et al. (Eds.), Body-Language-Communication: An international handbook on multimodality in human interaction (Vol. 1, p. 1079-1098). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
4. Brône, G., & Oben, B. (2015). InSight Interaction: a multimodal and multifocal dialogue corpus. Language Resources and Evaluation, 49(1), 195-214.
5. Campbell, N. (2009). Tools and resources for visualising conversational-speech Interaction. In M. Kipp et al. (Eds.), Multimodal corpora: From models of natural interaction to systems and applications (pp. 176-188). Heidelberg: Springer.
6. Carletta, J. (2006). Announcing the AMI meeting corpus. The ELRA Newsletter, 11(1), 3-5.
7. Chafe, W. (Ed.). (1980). The pear stories: Cognitive, cultural, and linguistic aspects of narrative production. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
8. Church, R. B., Alibali, M. W., & Kelly, S. D. (Eds.). (2017). Why gesture? How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
9. Cosnier, J., & Brossard, A. (1984). La communication non verbale [Non-verbal communication]. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé. (in French)
10. Ekman, F., & Friesen, W. V. (1969). The repertoire of nonverbal behavior: Categories, origins, usage, and coding. Semiotica, 1(1), 49-98.
11. Fedorova, O. V. (2017). Raspredelenie zritel’nogo vnimaniya sobesednikov v estestvennoi kommunikatsii: 50 let spustya [Distribution of the interlocutors’ visual attention in natural communication: 50 years later]. In E. V.Pechenkova & M. V. Falikman (Eds.), Kognitivnaya nauka v Moskve: novye issledovaniya. Materialy konferentsii[Cognitive science in Moscow: new research. Proceedings of the conference] (pp. 370-375). Moscow: BukiVedi/IPPiP. (in Russian)
12. Fedorova, O. V., Kibrik, A. A., Korotaev, N. A., Litvinenko, A. O., & Nikolaeva, Yu. V. (2016). Temporal coordination between gestural and speech units in multimodal communication [Vremennaya koordinatsiya mezhdu zhestovymi i rechevymi edinitsami v mul’timodal’noy kommunikatsii]. In Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Dialog 2016” [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: Proceedings of the International conference “Dialogue 2016”] (pp. 159-170). Moscow: RGGU. (in Russian)
13. Foster, M. E., & Oberlander, J. (2007). Corpus-based generation of head and eyebrow motion for an embodied conversational agent. Language Resources and Evaluation, 41(3/4), 305-323.
14. Goldin-Meadow, S. (2014). Widening the lens: What the manual modality reveals about language, learning, and cognition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 369(1651), 20130295.
15. Karpiński, M., Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, E., & Malisz, Z. (2009). Aspects of gestural and prosodic structure of multimodal utterances in Polish task-oriented dialogues. Speech and Language Technology, 11, 113-122.
16. Kendon, A. (1967). Some functions of gaze direction in social interaction. Acta Psychologica, 26, 22-63.
17. Kibrik, A. A. (2010). Mul’timodal’naya lingvistika [Multimodal linguistics]. In Yu. I. Aleksandrov & V. D. Solov’ev (Eds.), Kognitivnye issledovaniya[Cognitive studies] (Iss. IV, pp. 134-152). Moscow: Institute of Psychology of RAS. (in Russian)
18. Kibrik, A. A. (2018). Russkii mul’tikanal’nyi diskurs. Chast’ 1. Postanovka problemy [Russian multichannel discourse. Part I. Setting up the problem]. Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, 39(1), 70-80. (in Russian)
19. Kibrik, A. A., & Fedorova, O. V. (2018). A “Portrait” approach to multichannel discourse. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan).
20. Kibrik, A. A., & Podlesskaya, V. I. (Eds.). (2009). Rasskazy o snovideniyakh: Korpusnoe issledovanie ustnogo russkogo diskursa[Night dream stories: A corpus study of spoken Russian discourse]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur. (in Russian)
21. Knight, D. (2011). Multimodality and active listenership: A corpus approach. London: Bloomsbury.
22. Kodzasov, S. V. (2009). Issledovaniya v oblasti psikhologii [Studies in the field of Russian prosody]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur. (in Russian)
23. Kress, G. (2002). The multimodal landscape of communication. MedienJournal, 4, 4-19.
24. Litvinenko, A. O., Nikolaeva, Yu. V., & Kibrik, A. A. (2017). Annotirovanie russkikh manual’nykh zhestov: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy [Annotation of Russian manual gestures: Theoretical and practical issues]. In Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Dialog 2017” [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: Proceedings of the International conference “Dialogue 2017”] (pp. 255-268). Moscow: RGGU. (in Russian)
25. Loehr, D. (2012). Temporal, structural, and pragmatic synchrony between intonation and gesture. Laboratory Phonology, 3(1), 71-89.
26. McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
27. McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
28. Mondada, L. (2014). Bodies in action. Language and Dialogue, 4(3), 357-403.
29. Mondada, L. (2016). Challenges of multimodality: Language and the body in social interaction. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20, 336-366.
30. Mü ller, C., Fricke, E., Cienki, A., & McNeill, D. (Eds.). (2014). Body-Language-Communication: An international handbook on multimodality in human interaction. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
31. Taylor, M. (1989). The structure of multimodal dialogue. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
32. Železný, M., Krňoul, Z., CRsař, P., & Matoušek, J.(2006). Design, implementation and evaluation of the Czech realistic audio-visual speech synthesis. Signal Processing, 83(12), 3657-3673.
Как цитировать
КибрикА. А., & ФедороваО. В. (2018). Эмпирическое исследование мультиканальной коммуникации: русские рассказы и разговоры о грушах. Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, 15(2), 191-200. https://doi.org/10.17323/1813-8918-2018-2-191-200
Нейрокогнитивные аспекты функционирования и использования языка